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Oral Cancer Screenings

Dental Solutions of Mississippi

Oral Cancer Screenings Dental Solutions of Mississippi dentist in Canton MS Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan Dr. Jessica Morgan

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Getting regular dental examinations includes screening for oral cancer; since early detection increases the survival rate of oral cancers, going to the dentist could literally save your life.

Oral Cancer Screening – Canton, MS

Just like more widely-known types of cancer, oral cancer can be deadly. While it is relatively rare by comparison, oral cancer can be more dangerous than others because it often goes undetected until it has reached an advanced stage. The good news is that getting regular dental examinations includes screening for oral cancer; since early detection increases the survival rate of oral cancers, going to the dentist could literally save your life.

Oral cancer screening can identify slight changes on the tissue of your mouth, lips, and tongue. Your dentist will examine these areas by carefully looking at and feeling the tissue. If abnormalities are noted, a biopsy may be suggested to allow for further testing.

Who’s At Risk for Developing Oral Cancer?

While oral cancer used to be considered a disease that affected mostly older people, it is now affecting younger people as well due to the spread of the Human Papilloma Virus. Other risk factors include age and lifestyle, such as smoking, heavy drinking, or extensive sun exposure.

Detecting Oral Cancer

Regular dental examinations are the best way to stay on top of any changes in your oral tissue. In the meantime, pay attention to your mouth when you brush and floss. If you notice sores or color changes that last longer than two to three weeks, schedule an appointment for a screening at Dental Solutions of Mississippi.
For more information or to schedule an appointment Contact Us Today! 

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