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Dermal Fillers

Dental Solutions of Mississippi

Derma Fillers Canton MS Uncovering the Surprising Benefits and Disadvantages of Dermal Fillers Canton Cosmetic Dentist The Ultimate Guide: Cosmetic Dentists and the Procedure They Offer Mississippi Dental Solutions of Mississippi dentist in Canton MS Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan Dr. Jessica Morgan


It’s never been easier to look good. With dermal fillers, we build fuller lips, remove wrinkles, fix acne, and treat TMJ. Backed with the most advanced technology and a fantastic team, Dental Solutions of Mississippi offers the best dermal fillers in Canton, MS. 

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal filler is an FDA-approved gel injected under the skin to create a fuller, smoother appearance. Dermal fillers improve the area of a smile (jawline, cheeks, chin, lips, gum) and can combat TMJ. 

Common Questions

  • Question not listed below? Ask us here
  • Can dermal fillers slim the face? Yes!
  • Can dermal fillers lift jowls? Yes!
  • Can dermal fillers fix acne scars? Yes, temporarily. 
  • Can I mix dermal fillers? No. 
  • Can you get dermal fillers more than once? Yes!
  • Can I read all your 5-star reviews? Yes, here

Who Needs a Dermal Filler?

Dermal filling is a flexible solution for removing facial lines, combating TMJ, and enlarging the gums or lips. Ask your dentist about ways dermal filling can make your life better today. 

Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

Yes, however, side effects can occur. You can read more about their pros and cons below.  

Dental Solutions of Mississippi dentist in Canton MS Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan Dr. Jessica Morgan

Potential Side Effects:



Both type 1 and type 4 hypersensitivity reactions are potential side effects. These reactions can occur minutes or days after the injection.

Bruising, bleeding & swelling

Bruising, bleeding & swelling

While fully biocompatible and FDA-approved, dermal fillers can cause these symptoms at injection sites. With medications, rest, and ice packs, these outbreaks are short-lived and self-resolving.

Lumps & nodules

Lumps & nodules

Untrained experts may use too much filling, which creates lumps and nodules in the skin. At Dental Solutions of Mississippi, you’ll never have to worry about these.

Dermal Fillers in Canton, MS

Ready to take the next step? Turn back the block today and reclaim your youth with dermal fillers. At Dental Solutions of Mississippi, we offer exceptional services with long-lasting results. Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan and Dr. Jessica Morgan Vaughn boast over 40 years of dental experience and have your best interests at heart.

Ready to take the next step? Schedule an appointment today.

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